Merry Christmas to everyone from Olive Sundays!! Hope you had a wonderful day filled with lots of food, family and fun times. Christmas is a super busy time so I’ll just write a quick post on the festive events that were.
So my brother and I have an annual crap present competition where we create a crap present for each other. And quite simply the crappiest present wins. My family members judge and decide on a winner with a show of hands. This year I won with my homemade LOAFers.
LOAFers – Loafers are comfortable slippers worn around the house and they are made out of loafs of bread. These loaves function as practical footwear or a delicious snack. The soft bread moulds around your foot for extra comfort.
Loafers are one crappy present and I was well chuffed with the win. My brother made an interactive gift where it was like pass the parcel with little toiletries as gifts. It was fun and lame but unfortunately not good crap enough to win.
We also had a gingerbread house decorating competition. Our gingerbread house had lots of detail that was unseen by the unimaginative eye. Firstly our ginger bread house had landed on top of the wicked Santa of the East, so you can see on the side of our house, only his legs and boots remain (you know, like in the wizard of oz). Secondly our team was called Team Kick-ass so we had little kick-ass and hit girl snowmen out front. Then there was the Christmas tree decorated with decapitated jelly baby heads as the bobbles and the corresponding bodies skewered by toothpicks as the presents under the tree. So our gingerbread house had a little bit of a dark twist but it was still really pretty. Our team didn’t win sigh, but it was heaps of fun decorating.
My cousins wife Jess made the best trifle I’ve ever eaten in my life! Om-n0mn0m. Look how even the layers are….impressive! It was the perfect amount of sweetness for it to be delicious but not too sweet so you can still have seconds or thirds. Yum!
My cousin Kim made these adorable little snowman cupcakes and each of them had a different personality…how cute. Plus they were yummy too. Some of the snowmen looked really worried though which was cause for concern. I realised that it is probably because in Australia it is summer and summer and snowmen don't mix.
My cousin Ali made really pretty Christmas coloured jelly shots. Red on the bottom and green on top was alcoholic and green on the bottom with red on top was non-alcoholic so the kids could eat them. It was difficult to remember which was which.
My cousin Rolls made peanut butter cups but left them at home (probably because they were too delicious to share) I know the feeling....and so does Max.
This year was Max’s very first Christmas and he is loving the opening presents and excessive eating part the most.
Overall I had a really wonderful Christmas. I hope you did too.
I heart Christmas!
Olives x
4 thoughts on “Olive Christmas 2013”
That trifle looks amazing! Mine failed miserably this year.
And those Loafers are brilliant!
Glad you like them. Oh no! to your failed trifle. Don’t worry if it tasted good then it doesn’t matter 🙂
Yeah, it actually tasted better the next day when usually trifles taste like a dog’s breakfast the next day.
Those loafers are AMAZING.